Needs assessment and Quote
In a conversation with the prospective customer, your needs will be assessed, to achieve optimal design and functionality. Based on the needs assessment, a detailed quote with a time-line will be created. A typical time-line contains the following steps:
- Prototype Design
- Realization of Design
- Implementation of Functionality
- Adding Content
- Testing and Troubleshooting
- Web-site Launch
After each step has been completed, the customer has to sign-off or ask for revisions, before proceeding to the next step.
Design Prototype
It is important, that customers communicate their design preferences. We have collected a number of divers web-sites, and will ask each customer to comment on the different styles, so that the prototypes match the customer's preferences. An existing corporate image will get incorporated.
For each web-site, one or more prototype(s) are then created using Adobe tools. The customer then selects a prototype, and the designer will implement any minor changes in style.
Realization using the content management system or HTML/CSS
After the design-prototype is finished, the pages have to get coded using either the content management system Drupal 7 or HTML/CSS.
Standard Features in HTML
- Basic static web-pages, editable by the customer using Adobe Dreamweaver
- Search Engine Optimization (meta keywords, meta descriptions, optimized titles)
- Spam-protected email link(s)
Standard Features in Drupal 7
- Basic static web-pages
- Blog
- Custom Contact Form with spam protection
- Simple Newsletter
- Summarized pages according to categories
- Automatically updated News section
- The customer can edit all pages through the administrative interface
Examples of Optional Features in Drupal
- Galleries
- Incorporation of video/sound
- Shopping Cart
- Rating System
- User Comments
- ... you name it
Web Hosting and Domain Registration
UPsites Web Studio can host your web-site on its cloud server.
Off-site backups are performed three times daily.
Domain registration services are also available.