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Multilanguage Sites - Part 2

At last weekend's BADcamp, I offered a session about how to build a multilanguage site. The session was based on my experience building the multilanguage section of http://ursula.operartists.com (which I just made public last week).
I used the approaches learned in the Site Building Extravaganza. Additionally, because it is later in the year, and the contrib modules have evolved a little further, was able to overcome a couple of bugs, so the site is actually working!

The slides of my session are attached below.

Here a couple of module tips:
Globalredirect: Don't install this, it triggers a bug when installed with languageicons.
Views Internationalization: Doesn't work with current views version. Uninstall views, install development version, then install i18nviews.

And more issues that I encountered on the way:
Dates: In the input form for content types with dates, be careful how to choose a date format:
Home » Administration » Structure » Content types » YourContentType » Manage fields » DateField » Edit
Under "More Settings and Values" and "Date Options", choose a format with only numbers. If the month appears as a word, inserting dates using date_popup and translating dates automatically will fail, because the month doesn't get translated at all stages (e.g. in the German input form, the month march should be "Mär", any entry with "Mar", be it through date_popup or the translation-pre-population, will get rejected).
I don't even know which issue queue to file this under. Please leave a comment if you can enlighten me.


Ursula, thanks for your hard work on documentation. I really appreciate it! --catrina (@_codelife on Twitter)

Nice work Ursula!

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