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Security Resources

A collection of web-sites with web-security resources. The short version in no particular order: use encryption, use good passwords and don't re-use them, secure your email account, make sure you don't have malware on your computers, use open source products that are vetted and used by a large communities, install security updates, monitor your sites.

Web-site launch - Meagan Miller

Web-site Meagan Miller

I am pleased to announce the launch of the new Web-site of the Opera singer Meagan Miller!
The site is tailored to the needs of classical musicians, and has many hidden features that make organization and updates straight forward.

Drupal 8 Database Schema

This is my first dips on the Drupal 8 database schema (from git version 10/19/2013). It took a new "standard install", and used mysqldump and MySQL Workbench to get the schema.

The relationships are not enforced in SQL and are my interpretation on how the tables relate to each other. Many times, the relationships are not exclusive - I connected entity_ids with node_ids - just one example of an entity that can get listed there.

First dips on Drupal 8

When I first started using Drupal, in fall 2010, the release of Drupal 7 was imminent, at least that's what people said. This site was the first web-site I wrote in Drupal, and I used a release candidate of D7.

Fast forward to 2013 - Drupal 8 is getting more stable and will hopefully get released in half a year or so. I am especially excited about the new configuration system, that will allow pushing a site from development to production without having to merge the content.

Image Galleries in Drupal 7 - my experience

I recently needed to create a gallery - reliable, user-friendly, and without spending much time on a very low budget project. I outlined below the steps and pitfalls. Based on this project, I presented a tutorial at the 2013 BADcamp. A copy of the slides is attached. These slides are a bit more comprehensive, with cut-and-paste commands for module and library installations. At times, the order of installations is not ideal - for the tutorial, this was intended to show error messages for missing dependencies. The fix is then described on later slides.

Useful sites

The following are a bunch of useful sites, for systems, programming or just random. I update this page infrequently.

Free web-fonts (I use these now after being burned with a commercial one that didn't work for the web):


Tips for a smoother page-load:


Testing and debugging css:


Book Review: Drupal 7 Webform Cookbook

Drupal 7 Webform Cookbook

It is a difficult task to write a text book about just one Drupal module, especially when that module is not that complex, and a seasoned developer can figure out most of the options by reading the documentation or just starting to configure it.

The Drupal 7 Webform Cookbook by Vernon Denny (Kindle Location 301, Packt Publishing) does just this: a text book to cover the web-form module on 276 pages (print edition).

Multilanguage Sites - Part 2

At last weekend's BADcamp, I offered a session about how to build a multilanguage site. The session was based on my experience building the multilanguage section of http://ursula.operartists.com (which I just made public last week).

Drupal Training Tools

After nine months of Drupal, it is time to review the diverse tools and methods I used to train myself, to assess what worked, and what didn't work, covering Drupal camps, textbooks, community, drupal.org, and tutorials.

D7 Multilanguage Sites - part1 - the l10n_update module

Adapting the Localization update module

  • Download module l10n_update
  • Enable modules locale, l10n_update in: admin/modules/list
  • In: admin/config/regional/language/overview
    Click "Add language"
  • In pull-down menu: Choose your new language, then click "Add language"
  • Drupal is now importing interface translations. This can take a few minutes.
    When it's finished, you'll get a confirmation page:
    The language <em>yourlanguage</em> has been created and can now be used

Drupal 7 Feed Aggregator issue - MySQL Character Set

In the last couple of months, the Feed Aggregator updates broke cron, when a blog post that I wanted to import contained a special character. The log message for the import of the offending feed looks like this:
PDOException: SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1366 Incorrect string value: '\xC6\x83u\xC4\xB1u

Drupal 7 Database Schema

A while ago, the data model of Drupal was discussed in the LinkedIn Drupal group. A number of good pointers to data models of D5 and D6, and one for CiviCRM came up. However, it doesn't seem that a D7 data model is available online.

This is my first go on creating a Drupal 7 database schema. I used all modules enabled in the "Standard Installation". It was created using MySQL workbench. The schema certainly needs revisions.

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